Introducing The H.O.M.E. Project

Date: February 3, 2022

Author: M.K. Ultra

This is the first in a long line of concepts OverWoke is committed to exploring over time, and hopefully building. Can systems be designed, implemented, and sustainable indefinitely that will tackle humanities greatest issues? Outside of the corporate/government paradigm?

The H.O.M.E. Project is an attempt at just that.

This is the first draft of a concept to create a global DAO charity. Designed to tackle poverty and homelessness around the world. A system that incentivizes people to fund and take part in the project.

There is a lot of thinking, communicating, and much more work involved to getting this to become a real world practical operation. I am looking for people who have the time to sincerely offer their skills to make this a reality. Homelessness and poverty is a very serious issue that is rapidly growing around the world, and it shouldn’t be with all the technology and resources we have today.

Contact OverWoke if you would like to talk about it or do more.